Saturday, December 8, 2012

Log #1

"Dreams are  successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep."


I was in a building. Outstanding in height, yet only big enough for me. I had my own little miniature desk, miniature paper, and even a miniature pen. I sat nose to one wall, back to the other, awaiting for my first customer. What I was selling, I have no idea.

The small door flings open and a small women (about three inches high) walks in. She is dressed in what seems to be an outfit from the Victorian era. One of my legs shift and hits her in the face. She begins to spout words that can only be described as gibberish. I quickly try to apologize, explaining that there is only so much room in this building.

-Woke up to use the bathroom, wrote that down before i went back to sleep-

Sadly, I don't remember my dream from when I went back to sleep. Speaking of this, a lot of people claim to not have dreams. However, this is not the case. Everybody dreams at least 3-4 times a day. The problem is, most people don't remember them. So if you think you didn't have a dream...think again!

Till tomorrow,


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